If you’re planning a landscaping, construction or home improvement project this year, take these steps to protect your valuable trees before finalizing project plans.
Read MoreCytospora canker causes dead or dying areas on tree bark. In aspens, this area turns orange. The cankers kill tree branches (you’ll often see this in spruce) and, in severe cases, will kill the whole tree. There’s no cure so prevention is critical.
Read MoreDouglas-fir is a common evergreen tree here in Colorado. Sporting 1-inch needles, extremely thick and furrowed bark, and distinctive cones, mature trees can reach over 100 feet in height and are typically found at elevations between 6,000 and 9,500 feet. Despite its name, Douglas-fir isn’t a fir tree at all. While it shares many of…
Read MoreYou may have noticed a gray, green, or even yellow mossy looking substance growing on your trees. Lichen is not moss, however, and it’s not even a plant. So what is lichen, what is it doing on your tree, and is it harming the tree that it’s growing on?
Read MoreAs property sizes continue to shrink, customers ask us more often about which smaller trees or shrubs to plant. Even on larger properties, there are spaces where a more petite or narrow tree would be best. We suggest you try one (or more!) of these five Colorado trees for small spaces in your landscape.
Read MoreScale insects can be extremely damaging to trees and shrubs in the Evergreen, CO region, causing leaf/needle discoloration, defoliation, stunted growth, limb dieback, vulnerability to other pests and diseases, and even plant death. Here’s how to identify scale insects, as well as treatment options and timing.
Read MoreTrees have many benefits beyond just looking nice. They reduce stress, clean the air, provide privacy and even save you money! Learn about the benefits to planting trees in your Denver foothills landscape.
Read MoreAphids are small insects that suck the sap from plant leaves, twigs and stems. They excrete a sticky substance called honeydew (often mistaken for sap “bleeding” from the tree) that can develop sooty mold (a black coating on leaves and surfaces). Treatment and prevention are possible. Read more for the details.
Read MoreLate February to early March is a good time to check trees for any damage caused over the winter and take steps to prepare them for the upcoming warm season. We share our tips for what to do right now in your yard, as well as important tree care issues to address before spring arrives in full force.
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